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Separate and Reassemble: Generative AI and Digital Media History


Lev Manovich. "Separate and Reassemble: Generative AI and Digital Media History." (Chapter 7 draft of Artificial Aesthetics by Lev Manovich and Emanuele Arielli.)



I frame generative AI as the latest evolution of digital media's 'separate and recombine' logic, a principle that traces its roots to the early days of computer graphics and software.


I argue that generative AI represents the fourth major effect of web content accumulation. This follows the earlier developments of search engines, data visualization, and data science.


While both traditional arts and AI/ML utilize compression techniques, there's a crucial difference in their approaches. Art throughout human history often combines general patterns with unique, specific details. In contrast, AI learning tends to focus on common patterns, potentially eliminating rare or unique details in the process. This distinction raises questions about AI's ability to capture the nuances often present in human-created art.


I suggest that artists focus on their limitations and constraints rather than trying to compete with AI's vast capabilities. I propose that the tension of potentially being 'discovered' by AI progress could serve as a powerful motivator for creating original work.

Article  2024