Selected Press
the full list of Manovich's media coverage for 2013-2019
- The Academy is 'missing big time', Harretz (Israel), December 2019
- Instagram je glasba generacije tega desetletja, Delo (Slovenia), October 2019
- Профессор Лев Манович про навыки, актуальные для будущего, и роль прокрастинации и зависимостей, WorldsApart (Belorussia), June 2020
- Algorithms of Culture, WorldsApart (Russia), November 2019
- У меня есть сверхзадача. Профессор Лев Манович о том, как изучать культуру по Instagram и твитам, (Russia), February 2018
- Американский медиаисследователь — о том, как Москва стала изящнее Нью-Йорка, Afisha Daily (Russia), December 2017
- Instagram revoluciona uso de imagens e influencia artistas e museus, Folha de S.Paulo (Brazil), December 2017
- O que é o microcinema?, Marta Pinho Alves, (Portugal), December 2017
- Обмен опытом. Человек, создающий будущее, поделился идеями с красноярцами, (Russia), December 2017
- Лев Манович приоткрыл секреты Big Data, Tyumen State University News (Russia), November 2017
- Is Instagram killing our museum culture or reinventing it?, PBS Newshour, November 2017
- Expert: les réseaux sociaux forment pour les gens de l’univers de la culture, Ciel FM (Belgium), November 2017
- 凤凰艺术| 科技与艺术如何深度融合?央美首届“EAST-科技艺术季”, (China), November 2017
- ¿Hasta qué punto las nuevas tecnologías modifican nuestras vidas?, Blasting News (Argentina), November 2017
- Лев Манович о революции в культуре в эпоху Instagram, (Russia), November 2017
- «Instagram можно изучать как само общество». Профессор из Нью-Йорка прочел лекцию в ТюмГУ, ФедералПресс (Russia), November 2017
- Лев Манович: С помощью Instagram можно изучить Тюмень как микрокосмос трендов, (Russia), November 2017
- Лев Манович — исследуйте Тюмень так, как никто до вас ("Lev Manovich: Study the City of Tymen Like No One Before You", in Russian), Newsprom (Russia), November 2017
- Эксперт: соцсети формируют для людей вселенную культуры, TASS (Russia), November 2017
- Петербуржцы чаще всех пишут стихи в соцсетях. (Russia), November 2017
- «Машина для разрушения ваших стереотипов»: исследователь новых медиа Лев Манович рассказывает, что можно узнать из анализа миллионов инстаграмов и твитов ("'Machine for destroying your stereotypes': New media researcher Lev Manovich about what we can learn from the analysis of millions of Instragam posts and tweets," in Russian), Газета «Бумага» (Russia), November 2017
- Инстаграм как элемент культуры ("Instagram as an Element of Culture," interview with Lev Manovich), Телеканал "Санкт-Петербург" (TV St. Petersburg, Russia), November 2017
- Устремлённый в будущее (Interview with Lev Manovich), TV Mokhovaya 9, Moscow (Russia), November 2017
- Лев Манович. Что такое 'новые медиа' и каков их язык? (Lev Manovich. What is "new media" and what is their language?), Radio Mokhovaya 9, Moscow (Russia), October 2017
- "Next Content Conference:" Lev Manovich, Computer Science—Combining Film and Fashion is our Future, Web Daily (South Korea), October 2017
- 4차 산업혁명 시대, 콘텐츠의 미래를 전망하다, YTN (South Korea), October 2017
- 레브 마노비치 "한국 콘텐츠산업 SW 부족…스타트업 키워야", Yonhap News Agency (South Korea), October 2017
- How artificial intelligence will impact culture by Rumy Doo, The Korea Herald (South Korea), October 2017
- ‘미니언즈’ 감독“인공지능이 이야기 만들면 감동 떨어진다”, DongA (South Korea), October 2017
- "4차산업혁명 시대, 창조적 일자리 늘어난다" by Kim Su-yeon, DT News (South Korea), October 2017
- "AI는 콘텐츠 창작의 조력자 일뿐", MK (South Korea), October 2017
- 콘텐츠의 미래는…23~24일 '넥스트 콘텐츠 콘퍼런스', Yonhap News (South Korea), October 2017
- 문화기술 미래 밝히는 넥스트 콘텐츠 콘퍼런스 23~24일 코엑스서 열려, ET News (South Korea), October 2017
- 한콘진, '넥스트 콘텐츠 콘퍼런스 2017' 개최, I-News 24 (South Korea), October 2017
- Лев Манович: «Инстаграм занят тем же, чем раньше музыка: созданием субкультур» ("Lev Manovich: Instagram is doing the same as music did earlier: creating subcultures," in Russian) by Mitya Lebedev, (Russia), September 2017
- Lev Manovich, Writer and Academic, Museeum, September 2017
- Can Real Life Compete With an Instagram Playground? by Alyssa Bereznak, The Ringer, August 2017
- Lev Manovich in Conversation with Hunter O’Hanian, CAA News Today, July 2017
- Baltigram: Mapping the Baltic Capitals through Instagram Selfies by Damiano Cerrone, Deep Baltic, October 2016
- The Digital Non-Visitor, Lev Manovich, Art in America, October 2016 (print only)
- Lev Manovich. « Instagram est le premier média de masse poétique » ("Instagram is the first poetic mass media"), an interview by Claire Richard, L'Obs avec Rue 89 (France), July 2016
- Digital Traces 1: Meta-Morphologies of St. Petersburg by Bruce Sterling, Wired, May 2016
- What's Instagram Doing to Us?, an interview by Michael Thomsen,, March 2016
- "Superconduction" Here and Now about the exhibition "Superconduction: Challenge of Art and Technology" in Riga, Art Territory (Latvia), November 2015
- "We are not sharing that much information on social media", a conversation between Lev Manovich and Anna Wójcik, Res Publica Now (Poland) / Eurozine, October 2015
- Zobaczyć kulturę, interview by Maciej Jakubowiak, (Poland), October 2015
- Interview by Jakub Dymek, NInA TV (TV channel, Poland), September 2015
- Medioznawca: Może dzięki nowym technologiom internet będzie bardziej społeczny, (Poland), September 2015
- What's the Secret to Selfies?,, September 2015
- Exploring big visual cultural data. An interview with Lev Manovich, Europeana Pro, July 2015
- Interview, Цукерберг Позвонит (Russia), June 2015
- Реальное vs. Виртуальное, или Есть ли городу место в социальных сетях (“The Real vs. The Virtual, or Does the City have a Place in Social Networks”), (Russia), June 2015
- Лев Манович в регионах, (Russia), June 2015
- Лев Манович выступил с лекцией «Как сравнить миллион изображений?» (“Lev Manovich’s lecture ‘How to Compare Million Images’”), (Russia), June 2015
- Лев Манович в цикле семинаров «Адаптивный город» (“Lev Manovich in series of seminars ‘The Adaptive City’”), (Russia), June 2015
- Interview by Dennis Sidorov, Interview Russia, June 2015.
- Interview by Vladimir Todorov,, Moscow, June 2015.
- Interview by Kiril Rozhenkov, Theory & Practice, Moscow, June 2015.
- Interview, Strelka Magazine, Moscow, June 2015
- Interview by Danijela Purešević, TV show Metropolis on RTS, Belgrade, June 2015
- Interview by Sava Ristovic, Radio Belgrade 2, May 2015
- Interview by Gordana Poyovich, daily newspaper Politika, Belgrade, May 2015
- Jezik novih medija, TV show Kulturni dnevnik on RTS 1, Belgrade, May 2015
- Interview by Ivan Jovanović, Novi Magazin, Belgrade, May 2015
- Lev Manovič - Kako gledati 10 miliona slika?,, Belgrade, May 2015
- Big Bang Data Revisited, an exchange between curator Olga Subirós, scholar Lev Manovich, and Data Issue editors Marvin Jordan & Mike Pepi, DIS Magazine, The Data Issue, March 2015
- Sem Fronteiras, episode A febre da ‘selfie’ pelo mundo, Globo News TV, February 2015
- W Moskwie uśmiechają się na 0.53, Novy Dziennik: Polish Daily News, October 2014
- Lev Manovich, Software Guru,, September 2014
- Lev Manovich, culture logiciel. Un nouvel entretien de Claire Richard, Radio France, France Culture, Place de la Toile, July 2014
- Lev Manovich: “El Software es el Mensaje”, Toques De Contemporaneidad, May 2014
- Il cinema al microscopio. The case of Lev Manovich's research project "Visualizing Vertov", Progetto Grafico, special edition "Text and Image in the Scientific Realm,” Spring 2014
- RE/Mixed Media Festival embraces the theoretical and the practical, Downtown Express, April 2014
- Lev Manovich Interview, Magazine des Cultures Digitales, August 2013
- How big data redefines global culture, Russia Today, (Russia), November 2019
- How big data put smaller towns on the global culture map, Russia Beyond, (Russia), December 2019
Theories of Software Cultures
- Лев Манович, Теории софт-культуры, Kommersant (Russia), May 2018
- Проверить алгеброй гармонию: «Теории софт-культуры» Льва Мановича, Discours (Russia), March 2018
- «Теории софт-культуры». От кино к смартфону, Сеанс (Russia), February 2018
Visual Earth
- New Study from Graduate Center, CUNY, Cultural Analytics Lab Is First to Analyze Global Growth of Image Sharing Around the World, KUSI News, November 2017
- New Study from Graduate Center, CUNY, Cultural Analytics Lab Is First to Analyze Global Growth of Image Sharing Around the World, Marketwatch, November 2017
- New Study from Graduate Center, CUNY, Cultural Analytics Lab Is First to Analyze Global Growth of Image Sharing Around the World, PR Newswire, November 2017
- Analyzing Global Growth of Image Sharing Around the World, Calit2 News, November 2017
Love by Numbers
- Google and Australian Marriage Equality reveal the Australian cities that are most in love and least in love, Herald Sun, March 2017
- More than half of you think same-sex marriage is rad so hurry up, Australia,, March 2017
- Google reveals 45 percent of Aussies are in love right now, Popsugar, March 2017
- Google ‘maps’ Australia’s love in Mardi Gras campaign, Mumbrella, March 2017
Inequaligram (selected)
- [테크놀로지와 저널리즘] 기계의 독해법 vs 사람의 독해법, 차이점은? (Machine-reading the cities), Dong Science (South Korea), October 2016
- What geotagged Instagram photos tell us about inequality in New York City? by Aleks Buczkowski, Geo Awesomeness, August 2016
- What our Instagram habits reveal about inequality in NYC by Alanna Schubach, Brick Underground, August 2016
- InstaNah: Study Shows Everything Above 110th Street Isn’t Worth the ‘Gram by Toni Brannagan, Spoiled NYC, August 2016
- Study: Tourists don't Like to Instagram Above 110th Street by Emma Whitford, Gothamist, July 2016
- New York Chudých a Bohatých Podle Instagramu by Pavel Turek, Respekt (in Czech), July 2016
- How Instagram photos reveal lack of equality in New York, 01 Government portal (in Arabic), July 2016
- Measuring Social Media Inequality by Высшая школа урбанистики, VKontakte (in Russian), July 2016
Selfiecity London (selected)
- Generation selfie. Has posing, pouting and posting turned us all into narcissists? by Anna Hart, The Telegraph, December 2015
- Selfies, surveillance and infographics. Big Bang Data at Somerset House by Rachael Steven, Creative Review, December 2015
- London crowned capital city of grim selfies by Adam Justice, International Business Times, December 2015
- Selfies under scrutiny at London show by Farah Nayeri, Reuters, December 2015
- London's Dazzling "Big Bang Data" Exhibition Reveals the Ugly Truths of Our Digital Lives by Matilda Battersby, ArtNet News, December 2015
- The Data of Our Lives, Illustrated by Linda Poon, The Atlantic, City Lab, December 2015
- Big Bang Data. Cats, selfies and hashtags at Somerset House's new exhibition by Jonny Ensall, TimeOut London, December 2015
- It’s another miserable day in capital of grim selfies by James Dean, The Times, December 2015
- Big Bang Data, Somerset House, review -- 'alarming', by Mark Hudson, The Telegraph, December 2015
- Snap sad. Londoners take the most miserable selfies by Isabelle Aron, TimeOut London, December 2015
- Grimstagram: Londoners post the world's 'most miserable' selfies by Rebecca Stewart, The Drum, December 2015
- London selfies glummer, less tilted and more bespectacled, study finds by Hannah Ellis-Petersen, The Guardian, November 2015
- Can You Guess Which City Takes the Most Miserable Selfies? by Libby Plummer, Yahoo News, November 2015
Data Drift (selected)
- Martha Buskirk on Data Drift, Art Forum, February 2016
- Data Drift Exhibition in Riga, Latvia, Bruce Sterling in Wired, December 2015
- Lev Manovich. "Everything will remain, but everything will change", an interview by Sergei Timofeyev on the occasion of exhibition Data Drift in Riga, Art Territory (Latvia), November 2015
On Broadway
- 아트센터나비, '데이터'와 '휴머니티' 주제로 '네오토피아' 전 개최 (review of On Broadway in the Nabi Art Center), Green Post Korea (South Korea), October 2017
- Feature article in journal's special issue "Landscape Architecture under Big Data”, Landscape Architecture Frontiers Journal (China), Fall 2015
- Interview with Lev Manovich, Space Magazine (South Korea), June 2015
- From sepia to selfies. 175 years of photography, CBS News, May 2015
- Exploring a City through Social Media Snapshots,, March 2015
- Big Data Turns Broadway into an Interactive Art Project, VideoEdge, March 2015
- On Broadway, Dragonweb (Hungary), March 2015
- On Broadway, An Interactive Installation Featuring Layers of Images and Data Gathered along Broadway in Manhattan, The Laughing Squid, March 2015
- NYC is a city that does sleep, a bit, Revolution Analytics blog, March 2015
- Coverage of "On Broadway" in Living in the Digital Age video program, Deutsche Welle (Germany), March 2015
- Broadway the Digital Way, The Info Monkey blog, March 2015
- Data visualisatie brengt drukste straat NYC tot leven, Numrush (The Netherlands), March 2015
- On Broadway Is a Stunning, Data-Driven Portrait of Life in New York City, The Creators Project, March 2015
- On Broadway shows city life through data cross-sections, FlowingData, March 2015
- Take a Stroll Down Broadway Through Hundreds Of Thousands Of Instagram Images, Fast Co.Exist, March 2015
- Visualizing Life along Broadway, Data Innovation, March 2015
- Massive Data Visualization Brings NYC's Busiest Street To Life, Fast Co.Design, March 2015
- A Digital Collage of Broadway Made From Strips of Data, The Atlantic City Lab, March 2015
- Public Eye: 175 Years of Sharing Photography, The New Yorker, February 2015
- A febre da ‘selfie’ pelo mundo, video program aired on Globo TV, largest media channel in Brazil; includes coverage of On Broadway installation at NYPL and long interview with Lev Manovich, February 2015
The Exceptional & The Everyday
- Résistances numériques, Jeau de Paume (France), October 2016
- Interview with Lev Manovich about the project, GEO Magazine (Germany), August 2015
- Painting with Data: A Conversation with Lev Manovich by Randall Packer, (reprint from Hyperallergic), February 2015
- The Revolution Will Be Instagrammed, Storybench, December 2014
- Американці дослідили, як українці використовували Instagram під час Майдану, (Ukraine), November 2014
- Американцы выложили в сеть 13 000 фотографий с Евромайдана на одном сайте, (Ukraine), November 2014
- Американские ученые собрали 13 000 фотографий с Евромайдана на одном сайте, (Ukraine), November 2014
- Американские ученые ыложили в Сеть 13 000 фотографий с Евромайдана на одном сайте, (Ukraine), November 2014
- Американські вчені опублікували аналіз використання Instagram під час Євромайдану, Mediasapiens (Ukraine), November 2014
- Євромайдан в Instagram – дослідження, European Journalism Observatory (Ukraine), October 2014
- Painting with Data. A Conversation with Lev Manovich by Randall Packer, Hyperallergic, October 2014
- Az Instagram fedi fel a kijevi forradalom igazi arcát, Media 2.0 (Hungary), October 2014
- 144 Stunden Kiew von Instagram, Bild (Germany), October 2014
- 144 ore a Kyiv. Le proteste di Euromaidan viste da Instagram, Sky TG 24 (Italy), October 2014
- What Can Instagram Tell Us about Social Upheaval in Ukraine?, PBS Mediashift, October 2014
- Comment: What revolution looks like on Instagram, SBS News (Australia), October 2014
- 13 тысяч фото в одной картине: проект об Instagram и Евромайдане, Facenews (Ukraine), October 2014
- What Revolution Looks Like on Instagram, The Atlantic, October 2014
- Visualising the Ukrainian revolution using Instagram, The Guardian, October 2014
- The Revolution Will Be Visualized. 13,200 Instagram Images from the Heart of Ukraine’s Uprising, Fast Company Exist, October 2014
Twitter Data Grant
- The Happiness of Cities: Do Happy People Take Happy Images?, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology News Release, April 2014
- Do happy people take happy photos?, The San Diego Union-Tribune, April 2014
- Twitter’s data grants will be used to research food poisoning, cancer, happiness, GigaOM, April 2014
- First Grants Awarded: Six Research Projects Receive Twitter “DataGrants”, INFOdocket, April 2014
- These 6 research projects just got special access to our tweets, The Daily Dot, April 2014
- Why Twitter Selfies Matter: They May Reveal Our Moods, Live Science, April 2014
- Team Uses Twitter to Analyze Cities' Moods Video, GeoBeats News, April 2014
- Lev Manovich’s “Selfie City” Project by Emily Verba Fischer, NESHAN, The Iranian Graphic Design Magazine, Iran, Winter 2018
- The Evolution of The Selfie: How Our Much-Mocked Photos Have Matured by Anna Hart, The Guardian, November 2017
- Method without Methodology: Data and the Digital Humanities by Lindsay Caplan, E-Flux, April 2016
- At arm's length: What selfies say about our society, DNA India, October 2015
- The Selfie Mania is Incontrollable in This Country, Clapway, August 2015
- Deconstructing the cloud. Responses to Big Data phenomena from social sciences, humanities and the arts by Sabine Niederer and Raymond Taudin Chabot, Big Data & Society, July 2015
- The Old Answer to Humanity’s Newest Problem: Data by Lev Grossman, Time, June 2015
- Este es el algoritmo con el que se analizan más de 100.000 selfies con fines teóricos,, May 2015
- Beyond Selfish by Noel Dogulas, Eye Magazine, May 2015
- Selfie and the City: A World-Wide, Large, and Ecologically Valid Database Reveals a Two-Pronged Side Bias in Naïve Self-Portraits by Nicola Bruno, Marco Bertamini, and Federica Protti, PLoS ONE, 10(4), e0124999, April 2015
- 15 Data Visualizations That Will Blow Your Mind, Udacity Blog, January 2015
- The Best Data Visualization Projects of 2014, Flowing Data, December 2014
- Best Projects in Data Visualization of 2014, Social Technologies Hothouse, December 2014
- Top 100 Interactive visualizations of 2014: Projects that made this year one of the most inspiring in the data viz field, Visualoop, December 2014
- Best of 2014: The Year in Selfies, The Creators Project, December 2014
- The Best Data Visualizations Of 2014, Gizmodo, December 2014
- Kantar Information is Beautiful 2014 Awards, November 2014
- Selfie. Kommunikation mit Selbstportraits. Interview with Dominikus Baur, Zündfunk, May 2014
- Selfies: Taking Photos of Yourself More Popular Than Ever, Voice of America, April 2014
- The World’s First Searchable Selfie Database,, April 2014
- At Face Value: Thailand's Selfie Obsession, Chiang Mai Citylife, April 2014
- The politics of the selfie, Politico, March 2014
- The Science of Selfies, New York Times Upfront (print only), March 2014
- Analyzing the art of the selfie, New York Times International Edition (print only), March 2014
- ‘Selfie’: el culto al ‘yo’ que arrasa en las redes, El Tiempo, March 2014
- Aus Moskau kommen die traurigsten Selfies, Die Welt, March 2014
- The Science of Selfies: How Pictures Help Us Claim Our Identity, NBC News, March 2014
- The average selfie-taker in NYC is 25 years old, and other fun selfie facts, Time Out New York, February 2014
- Москва стала лидером по количеству невеселых селфи в Instagram,, February 2014
- The science of selfies is serious business -- and seriously revealing, Los Angeles Times, February 2014
- The Science of Selfies: A Five-City Comparison, National Geographic, February 2014
- Daily Planet TV show, Discovery Channel, February 2014
- Who takes more selfies: Women or men?, CNN, February 2014
- The Science Behind the Selfie, Wall Street Journal TV, February 2014
- No. 1 in City links: the best of the web, The Guardian, February 2014
- The surprising sociology of selfies, The Washington Post, February 2014
- Fantastic Infographics, Drawn From A Study of Instagram Selfies, Wired, February 2014
- In Bangkok lächeln sie immer, in Moskau selten, Der Spiegel, February 2014
- Selbstportrait. Egobild. 自拍: how people 'selfie' around the world, The Guardian, February 2014
- A 24-Hour Crisis Map Built From Hurricane Sandy Photos. One of our 15 favorite recent data visualizations, Popular Science, November 2014
- More Than 2.3 Million Instagram Photos are Arranged Beautifully in "The Aggregate Eye" Exhibition, Complex, November 2013
- The Aggregate Eye at Amelie A. Wallace Gallery: October 29 – December 5, 2013, Musee Magazine, November 2013
- Datenvisualisierung mit Phototrails, Page Online, August 2013
- Bilderdienst: Instagram-Fotos offenbaren Lebensrhythmus der Großstädter, Spiegel Online, August 2013
- Infographic: Using 2 Million Instagram Pics to Map a City’s Visual Signature, Wired, July 2013
- San Francisco viewed through Instagram photos, The Guardian, July 2013
- The Visual Signature of Your City inn Instagram photos, The Atlantic Cities (CityLab), July 2013
- You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake, and neither is your Instagram. What your Instagram uploads say about the city you live in, The Verge, July 2013
- What Do Your Instagram Photos Say About Your City?, The Creators Project, July 2103
- Phototrails. The Visual Structure of Millions of User-Generated Photos, Information Aesthetics, July 2013
- Phototrails. Insights culturais e sociais a partir de fotos do Instagram, Braisntorm 9, July 2013
- Instagram Cities visualiseert steden aan de hand van de populaire fotodienst, Numrush, July 2013
- Your City’s Visual Signature on Instagram, Animal, July 2013
- По снимкам в Instagram визуализировали города, Apparat, July 2013
- מדעי האינסטגרם: ניו יורק אפורה יותר וטוקיו אדומה, Haaretz, May 2013
Software Takes Command
- On Manovich by McKenzie Wark, Public Seminar, September 2015
- Review of Software Takes Command, by Warren Buckland, New Review of Film and Television Studies, September 2014
- Review of Software Takes Command, by Patrick Davison, International Journal of Communication, August 2014
- Review of Software Takes Command by Yanni Alexander Loukissas, Journal of Design History, June 2014
- Review of Software Takes Command by Bernhard Rieder, Information, Communication & Society, May 2014
- Qualifying the Digital by Michael A. Morris, Art Journal, Vol. 73, No. 1, Spring 2014
- Review of Software Takes Command by Yuwei Lin, Information, Communication & Society, April 2014
- Review of Software Takes Command by Rob Kitchin, Information, Communication & Society, April 2014
- Guest blogger Tom Lynch reviews Software Takes Command by Lev Manovich, Research in Review, January 2014
- Lev Manovich – Software Takes Command by Alessandro Lodovico, Neural, January 2014
- Software Takes Command? by Tatiana Mazali, Mediascapes, Fall 2013
- New Media as Software by Manuel Portela, Capa, Fall 2013
- Noumenal Data. Software Takes Command by Tom Kohut, The Red-Assiniboine Research Unit, November 2013
- Recenzja ksiazki: Lev Manovich, “Software Takes Command” by Edwin Bendyk,, October 2013
- Software takes command de Lev Manovich. Dime qué software (y cómo lo) usas y te diré quien eres. Part I, Part II, Part III by Alejandro Piscitelli, Conectar Lab, August 2013
- Understanding Media and Software by Matt Bernico, Militant Media, July 2013
- Manovich, Software takes command by Christoph Engemann, Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, September 2009