News (publications, projects, exhibitions)
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Drawing Rooms - generative artworks are shown in group exhibition SYMBIOSIS: Art in the Age of AI, The Sylvia Wald and Po Kim Gallery, New York, January-March, 2025
Artificial Aesthetics: Generative AI, Art and Visual media - Final versions of all book chapters are now available, 01/15/2025
Library of Unwritten Manuscripts - art project shown in group exhibition “Careful Details,” Museum Guttuso, 10/4/2024-12/4/2024
Artificial Aesthetics: Generative AI, art and visual media - our book manuscript is now completed and sent to our Spanish publisher - 09/29/2024
From Museum Without Walls to Generative AI Museum - new short article - 08/31/2024
Modularity as an Aesthetic Category - new article - 08/26/2024
'Make it New’ - GenAI, Modernism, and Database Art - new article - 07/20/2024
Chapter 7 of Artificial Aesthetics: Generative AI, art and visual media - new book chapter released 03/27/2024
Chapter 6 of Artificial Aesthetics: Generative AI, art and visual media - new book chapter released 01/15/2024
Memory, Draw - catalog of Manovich's solo art exhibition in Seoul, South Korea (12/20/2023 - 2/16/2024)
Unreliable Memory - Manovich solo exhibition featuring 50 artworks (1981-2023) in Évora, Portugal (11/18/2023 - 5/05/2024) - website for my new AI artworks - October 1, 2023
"The AI Brain in the Cultural Archive" - article commissioned by MoMA (NYC), 06/27/2023
"Towards ‘General Artistic Intelligence’?" - article commissioned by Art Basel, 06/01/2023
Chapter 5 of Artificial Aesthetics: A Critical Guide to AI in Art, Media, and Design - new book chapter about AI images and generative media released - 04/20/ 2023
Lev Manovich: all articles 1991-2007 - a single text file with my 65 articles published between 1991 and 2007; also available in PDF and HTML formats (December 2022)
AI-aesthetics and the Anthropocentric Myth of Creativity - new article (Summer 2022)
On New Beauty: Dialog Between Lev Manovich and Margarita Kukeva - conversation (Summer 2022)
Nike, Adidas, or Asics? Evolution of sneakers design in 1999-2022 as seen by a neural net - conference paper (Spring 2022)
How to Predict Future Culture? - class (Fall 2021)
Interfaces for a Global Village - new article (June 2021)
AI and Myths of Creativity - 40 slides for a new lecture (June 2021)
Museum of Pictorial Culture: - new article (Spring 2021)
How to Predict Culture in 2050? - class (Fall 2020 / Spring 2021)
From Poet to Engineer - new article (Winter 2021)
Computer vision, human senses, and language of art - article (11/2020)
Cultural Analytics - New book published by the MIT Press on October 20, 2020 (available as hardcover and e-book, 300 pages)
Design and Data Visualization course - lecture notes and resources (Fall 2020)
The Aesthetic Society - article (4/2020)
Defining AI Arts - Three Proposals - article (6/2019)